Animal Facts Release New Single “Rabbits”
Animal Facts have just released a new song, Rabbits, which is available on streaming platforms and as a name your…
GARY:we’re chilling back here with moneen
PETER: YEAH! chillin in the back room
GARY:so how’s the tour going?
PETER: it’s going good.
KENNY: thumbs up mother fo-hos!
GARY: you guys get on some amazing tours, is that because you have an amazing tour manager?
KENNY: well, she’s pretty good but she has nothing to do with it
GARY: is it all about the music?
KENNY: we’re just lucky bastards. You see this mirror? we’re not gonna smash it, cause that would bring us bad luck.
PETER: and we don’t need that bad luck, cause it’s ALL good.
*door opens*
*Here they talk about the big Saves The Day finale with Steve, where all the bands come out on stage during a cover of Outkast’s “Hey Ya” and dance
KENNY: Yeah, i dont know how we get some of these tours, but we’re just lucky to be on them. We’ve toured with some really really nice, wicked bands…and hopefully it won’t stop.
GARY: Brand New tour next month?
KENNY: Yeah…we’ve never been to the U.K. before so that’s gonna be insane.
GARY: So when your doing your setlist, how do you decide how many new songs your going to play compared to the old songs?
KENNY: I don’t know, that’s…
PETER: it really depends where you are.
KENNY: we went through so many sets on this tour until we found this one that’s been working really well, cause we have never been a band to play the same set every time, but now we started to come up with one, cause it makes it all tighter. Like when you try to do something, trying too many things, people just get confused. like your jamming away, doing a disco remix or whatever.
GARY: but disco’s pretty sweet.
KENNY: it can be. it can be. But yea, we just go with what we feel, and this would work and now we just go in there like robots, (robot voice and actions) doing the exact same thing every night and not changing or doing
anything interesting.
GARY: yeah i saw you on stage doing your robot dance
KENNY: that was my, i was doing the, well it probably looked like that but what I was trying to do was the outkast dance, but i always mess it up and it looks like a retarded robot.
GARY: well you got some great rock star moves on stage
KENNY: yeah!
GARY: yeah, i got some good pictures until they told us we couldn’t use digital cameras.
KENNY: yeah i dont know what was up with that, they were supposed to them do all that for 3 songs, but they cut it off after 1 and a half songs
PETER: yeah
KENNY: treating you guys like animals, like “GET OUT OF HERE!”
GARY: i got a few pictures and videos, got a good shot of hippie
KENNY: yea hippie!
GARY: his hairs flying
PETER: the hippie
KENNY: but this show was ridiculous, ridiculously good, it was so much fun, like unbelievable. just how people were singing along with “Passing (America)” … AW man. i was just like, yes. it was good…i was just in my own zone
GARY: you think this has been the best show on the tour so far, coming home
KENNY: i think so, defineately
PETER: yeah for sure
HARRY: I bet it’s nice to be home
PETER: Oh yeah
HARRY: sometimes, like when you’re in the U.S sometimes you just don’t know whats going on down there
KENNY: yeah it’s true, it’s a different place. But we’ve had some good times but this tours been going on so long, it’s about time to be home. so it’s
good to be home for at least 24 hours
HARRY: and see your dad
KENNY: YES! my dad came to the show, the first show he’s ever been to.
PETER: that’s crazy
GARY: that’s a little surprising
KENNY: he liked it, he was blushing
PETER: yeah, he was smiling, like after the show i talked to him, i talked to your dad…
*Hippie walks in*
KENNY: come say a quick hello!
*Hippie leaves*
KENNY:oooh, now you know who the A-hole in the band is
HARRY: he’s not there anymore
GARY: so you guys think you’re gonna set up a Canadian tour soon?
KENNY: Yeah, yeah, yeah…we’ll do one, probably end up in the spring, we’re trying to find time to do it now
PETER: around april or whatever
GARY: a small venue tour? I heard you talking out there about how you like smaller venues
KENNY: yeah definately, like big shows like this are fun to play and everything, but it’s all about the small shows, the fans are right there…
PETER: it’s better for crowd reactions
KENNY: yeah, like i was watching, it looked like it was getting pretty crazy, and it usually doesn’t get too crazy for us
HARRY: yeah i thought i broke my neck
GARY: i got kicked in the head a few times
KENNY: in the pit? in the pit man!
HARRY: yeah!
GARY: yeah, kinda to the front
KENNY: awesome, good times tonight. we’re lucky to be on this tour, just to get to play in front of this many people, and throw up in your mouth at least 20 times
HARRY: yeah i love when that happens
KENNY: i was feeling it for the last song…
*Erik walks in, Hippie behind him*
GARY: now everyones here!
KENNY: say hello!
PETER: that’s Erik dancing
HARRY: dance for me!
KENNY: Hippie, say hello to the camera!
HARRY: smile…yeah, NICE!
KENNY to ERIK: so are they doing it?
ERIK: we have to convince (Saves The Day) to do it (play “Hey-Ya”)
ERIK: hey, hey ya!
HARRY: nice
GARY: i guess a question you get asked alot in interviews is what does moneen mean? you even have it up on one of your shirts out there
KENNY: yeah
GARY: does it actually mean anything?
KENNY: no no no, no, no…my girlfriend, Lisa, her roommate was named Moneen in university, in the first year in their dormroom, they have roommates there in their dormrooms in the first year of university, and Moneen and I, we would always make fun of each other and I said ‘hey Moneen, what if I named a band after you, and destroyed your identity!”
PETER: *evil laughter* that’s what she sounds like
GARY: and the periods before and after…
KENNY: we have no idea
PETER: that’s just has to do with her ya know, psycho
GARY: she’s on her period alot?
KENNY: yeah, quite a bit…at least every 5 or 6 letters, she’s on the period…
*door opens, you can hear Saves The Day on stage*
KENNY: see, that parts so cool!
GARY: so do you guys give that answer everytime…
*someone throws a bag of mixed food onto the floor*
KENNY: what is that, a huge bag of weed?
*evil laughter*
PETER: ew its got peanuts!
KENNY: it’s actually true, our name is a bad joke. it’s a completely
terrible joke, its a completely bad joke
GARY: i know alot of people, like Taking Back Sunday, will just make up random stories, you guys ever do that before?
KENNY: no, because the stories good enough we don’t have to make it up.
Taking Back Sunday, i’m sure there’s not really that great of a reason, they just thought it sounded cool. What did they tell you?
GARY: they said it was something personal, and it meant alot to them, they didn’t want to talk about it.
KENNY: sorry
*door opens*
STEVE: my cameras behind him!
KENNY: so go get it! go grab it
PETER: Steve’s gonna be naked!
KENNY: yeah! Saves The Day will do, sometimes at the end of their show…it’s really cool like there’s been alot of good, like all the bands will get together and have fun and stuff on this tour, like Saves The Day will sometimes play Hey Ya by Outkast, and we’ll all go and have a dance party while they’re playing, it’s actually the highlight of my night, and then, like right at the beginning of the tour we’d all go have a dance party…
*danishes fall on floor*
PETER: friggin danishes!
*picks them up and smashes them on floor*
KENNY: the anger builds through pastry!!! (about saves the day:) Oh he doesn’t do that little girly thing anymore, right there at the song…WHOA!
GARY: is it just me or does his voice get higher on every album?
KENNY: he’s an incredible singer…he’s never had a bad night on this whole tour
PETER: the whole band has never had a bad night on this tour
KENNY: jerks…
GARY: so you wanna see that video i got from tonight?
KENNY: yeah man…don’t worry we’ll do a REAL interview at the Alexis show
in December