Four Candles To Release New Single From ‘Spiritual Rapture’ LP

  • Phinky posted
  • News

Following on from the Strange Things (Are Happening) single of last month Four Candles return with two more tracks from the critically acclaimed Spiritual Rapture album with the effortlessly funky You Can’t Be What You Pretend and the blues-drenched Basket Weaving.  The band return to live action in August with a private party for Pressure Drop and supporting Australian visitor Charlie Marshall in September. This digital only release compliments the CD only full album which can be acquired at gigs and of which there is an extremely limited number still for sale via the German Shepherd Records Bandcamp. The single releases later this month via Bandcamp, Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play, Amazon and many more digital outlets.

You can purchase Spiritual Rapture on CD via Bandcamp here