Mandy, Indiana Share “Bottle Episode” Video

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Manchester-based trio Mandy, Indiana have unveiled the brand new video for Bottle Episode, the lead single from their debut EP, , which is out digitally on November 19th via Fire Talk Records and physically on December 10th. Directed by Max McLachlan, the frenetic chaos of the video matches the music’s unpredictability. “When I heard ‘Bottle Episode’ for the first time, the driving drum beat immediately spawned dizzying, restless visuals. After talking with the band, and seeing their previous DIY approach to visuals, we decided to create visuals that matched the track’s chaotic energy by physically putting a camera through torment”.

“Max’s ideas really intrigued us. He was much more interested in camera techniques than in any kind of narrative or typical music video ideas. The shoot was all very improvised, with extras fighting over a camera, launching it in the air, smashing it on the ground, attaching it to a drill. A key element of the track is movement and finding interesting ways for the camera to move was an idea we thought was worth exploring. The camera becomes as much the subject of the video as the people and locations.”

You an stream Bottle Episode and pre-order here