New Stream and Contest: Powersolo

  • Ashley N. Milholland posted
  • News

In their native Denmark the moniker PowerSolo conjures up the trash-rock legacy of Hasil Adkins, the Cramps,and Southern Culture on the Skids, but PowerSolo frontmen-guitarists Kim Kix and Atomic Child (Bo) along with drummer J.C. Benz combine to  create a plasma punk ruckus all their own.

In the three years since PowerSolo’s last studio album Egg the band has been touring extensively, both by themselves as well as with kindred spirits Heavy Trash (Jon Spencer and Matt Verta-Ray), having completed four tours in the USA, two in Great Britain, two in France, and others in Benelux, Germany, Iceland, Sweden and Norway, and with several more around their native Denmark.

The plasma punk trio released their new album Bloodskinbones on April 13th, available in North America both digitally and in stores through Long Live Crime Records.

In case you missed it when it went live yesterday, PowerSolo have been nice enough to give us five copies of the album to give away. You can enter to win a copy of the record here. On top of that, you can also stream the entire record right here!