Paper & Plastick Release Webcomics for Free Comic Book Day

  • Brittany Strummer posted
  • News

Paper and PlastickPaper and Plastick have announced a free download of webcomic, 50 States, for Free Comic Book Day. The first issues of Kill the Wonderhawks and Exit Interview will be available later in the month. Also in celebration of this day comic creators Dave Losso and Matt Anderson will be signing together at Graham Crackers Comics in Chicago on Free Comic Book Day which is tomorrow, May 7th.

50 States tells the story of three 3 different bands on tour. Paper and Plastick founder, Vinnie Fiorello, describes the Less Than Jake story:

The Less Than Jake story is true. We are trying to get away from the typical tour story you’d hear- we have been in touch with about a dozen bands, and picking the stories on the depth they have.

Paper and Plastick plan to release an issue of each series every month. Physical copies in the form of graphic novels will become available in the future. For now you can download the webcomics at the Paper and Plastick webstore.