Run Into The Sun Unleash New Single “Try / Hope”

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Salt Lake City hardcore band Run Into The Sun have shared the next installment in their single series with Try / Hope. Following the emotional Love / Pain and political Cry / Blood, the band look towards to the future with these two new tracks. Try is punchy with infectious guitar lines, with vocalist Dan Fletcher joined by Billy French of Cherem, Hope leans into a melodic bounce and features Charles Palleta of Snake Eyez. Run Into The Sun have also released a video for Try, featuring a collection of tour photos from the last 20 years of SLCHC bands that they’ve played in together and apart.

“Growing up, the more I learned about the world, about history, the more I felt myself becoming jaded and nihilistic. It felt like injustice and exploitation were inescapable. With experience, I realized I was choosing to react this way. I was choosing to focus on the negative and it became a self-fulfilling attitude. “Try” is about the point in everyone’s life when they either let the darkness drag them down, or choose to fight against it. My time playing in the band Cherem was a turning point for me with this. Living in vans with those dudes, making the We Are The Revolution record, it really helped me see that being proactive and positive wasn’t corny, it was the only way to see light in the dark. Hope’ picks up where ‘Try’ leaves off. Choosing to make a positive impact on the world takes on a whole new importance when you have family members, friends, community members, and children who look to you for guidance. As a father, I want to do everything I can to instill hope in my sons. I want them to see the dark and choose the light – especially when it feels most hopeless.” (Vocalist Dan Fletcher)