SAAVIK Announce Self Titled Debut EP

  • Phinky posted
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Miami’s SAAVIK is a punk/metal/industrial “supergroup” of sorts, its members have all been involved in influential groups including Holly Hunt, Bleeth, Laboratory, Haochi, Beings, Cavity and Floor. Heavily distorted bass, massive, effects-laden guitar tones, spacey synths, relentless tom-heavy drumming and haunting vocals draw you into an otherworldly space. SAAVIK’s eponymous first transmission will be released on the 8th May, it tells the familiar story of a leader who’s lost their way. With heavy nods to the fantasy universes of Roddenberry and Lovecraft, this four-part narrative explores existential themes of abandonment, betrayal, assimilation, metamorphosis, and rebirth. 

SAAVIK‘s self titled debut EP can be pre-ordered via Bandcamp here