The Kut Announced As Support On Electric Six’s “Born To Be Ridiculed” UK & Ireland Tour

  • Phinky posted
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High-voltage US rockers Electric Six have added The Kut as support on their Born To Be Ridiculed UK & Ireland tour that kicks off later this month. Hailing from Detroit, Michigan and best known for smash hits Danger! High Voltage and Gay Bar, the six-piece led by Dick Valentine are touring in support of their latest album Born To Be Ridiculed, their first new record in almost four years.

The Kut

New kid on the block The Kut will join Electric Six with her all-star female collective. She will be main support at 13 of the 14 UK & Ireland dates, bringing her Number One rock album, Grit, along with a hefty dose of female unity. You can view the tour dates and purchase tickets for all dates here