Tours: Muck and the Mires (Europe)

  • Steven Farkas posted
  • News

Muck and the MiresBoston garage rockers Muck and the Mires have announced a short run of European shows kicking off next month which will see them cover 4 countries in 8 days. Support on all dates will come from fellow garage rockers The Cavemen and Les Grys Grys.

The band’s latest release was 2015’s Dial M for Muck, released via Dirty Water Records and you can check out the full list of shows below.

Tour Dates:

01/09/2017 Gothenberg, Sweden Pustervik

02/09/2017 Roskilde, Denmark Gutter City Fest

03/09/2017 Berlin, Germany Cortina Bob

05/09/2017 Malmo, Sweden Folk & Rock

06/09/2017 Stockholm, Sweden PSB

07/09/2017 Moss, Norway Tivoli

08/09/2017 Fredrikstadt, Norway Bavnerotta

09/09/2017 Oslo, Norway Gutterball Fest