Welcome To The New Home Page

  • Ashley N. Milholland posted
  • News

ThePunkSite.comAs you should be able to tell, we here at ThePunkSite.com have just re-designed our news system. I, for one, am extremely pleased with the results. What this means for you is much better search-ability and archive history for our news stories along with a much nicer looking design for you to look at and read. Unfortunately, with this transfer, we won’t be able to bring all our old stories with us; however, it’ll be a much more user friendly setup for us to use in the future.

Here are some little tips that you may want to keep in mind if you’re ever looking for something. First off, there is a search box which is plainly visible on the top of every individual page. If you’re looking for something specific, type it in there and you should get all the results you need. Secondly, we have broken the news down into a few different categories for your browsing pleasure. You can click the category name under any news headlining to see more posts within that category. Finally, at the bottom of every post there is a list of important bands and labels involved in the specific story. Click on the name of the band or label and you’ll be able to see more stories written about them.

I hope you enjoy the new setup; if you notice anything out of wack, please email me at bobby@thepunksite.com so we can fix it.