Wiretap Records Release Latest Compilation In Aid Of ACLU

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Attention Aug 17Wiretap Records have released their latest ATTENTION! charity compilation, once again all proceeds will be going to the ACLU. The compilation contains over thirty tracks and is a pay what you want release, although it is suggested that you consider a donation of at least $1. The compilation contains tracks from Young Hunger, Odd Robot, Slowkiss, Kamikaze Girls, Looming, Decent Criminal, Choke Up, Gender Roles, Attic Salt, Regarde, Club Night, Daydream, The Vansaders, Crooked Teeth, Aviator, Sleep In, Copneconic, The Apology Tour, Deer Leap, Pop Warner, Portkey, Junior Astronomers, West Means Home, Kevin Nichols, Watch for Horses, Reunions, Toy Cars, Showoff, Beachnut Brackish and more. The latest volume of ATTENTION! can be downloaded here