Boys Night Out – Make Yourself Sick

  • Gary Hampton posted
  • Reviews

Boys Night Out

Make Yourself Sick - Ferret Music

It’s not very often I burn a cd. I mean VERY few cds I own are burnt, and I own a lot of cds. So when a band puts out an album that I can’t find, I usually just listen to it on my computer until I find it in the stores and I buy it. But the new album from Boys Night Out was just too good…and I had to burn it. (don’t worry, it’s #1 on my Christmas list with about a million stars around it)

My point, this cd is extremely good. Right from the first few seconds of the first track you can feel something, it’s got so much energy and feeling behind it. It’s light, it’s heavy…it’s everything I look for in a cd. It’s got the fast, hard, screaming tracks, but it slows down enough on tracks like Hold On Tightly, Let Go Lightly which also has one of my favourite lyrics of the cd (“when your left with only a bullet, i’ll bring the trigger and a promise to pull it”). Basically this is an album you can put on, sing along to, and love every track. Period.

I love it, and actually in the next 3 weeks i’m seeing them live twice. I rated the album a 4 out of 5, mainly because I don’t like giving perfect scores unless it’s totally crazy nutjob insane, but I also don’t write reviews unless i’m asked to or I love the album. And no one told me to write this.

Download it, buy it, go see them live…just hear this music, you won’t be disapointed.