Hi-Fi Spitfires – Nightraid

  • Phinky posted
  • Reviews

Hi-Fi Spitfires

Nightraid - Bullet Teeth Records

Hi-Fi Spitfires are a punk band from North East England, Nightraid is their sophomore album and follows on from their 2010 debut England Screaming. They have been flying in close formation since 2008, their debut album was impressive but Nightraid feels like an altogether more accomplished beast. Hi-Fi Spitfires are unsurprisingly heavily influenced by the likes of Stiff Little Fingers, The Clash and The Ruts, but that’s not to say that they are some dated anachronism, they take their lead from the first wave of punk rock but they have taken it and made it there own, as a result Nightraid is a contemporary slightly harder edged interpretation.

Nightraid‘s opener, Backfire, is an impressive start, it’s all upfront attack with a great guitar hook and fist pumping chorus. The album then heads in a more brutal direction until you get to the Battlefield Of Dreams, this track boasts an anthemic chorus and drops back to being closer to the old school that influenced them. The two aforementioned tracks are my personal favourites but there isn’t a weak track on Nightraid, all twelve rounds hit their targets. Amongst the rousing punk rock there are touches of dub that compliment the full tilt punk rock perfectly, this, and the variation in the tempo and style of the tracks, prevent this album from ever becoming repetitive.

What’s impressive is the fact that Hi-Fi Sptfires are a trio, they sound like there’s a full squadron behind them and the attack they have achieved though just two guitars is very impressive. This is a very accomplished album from a band that are grass roots DIY punk rock, that alone would be a reason to support them but forget about that for a moment, just focus on the fact that this is a great album regardless of how it came into being. As long as bands like Hi-Fi Spitfires are keeping the grass roots of punk alive and well then we’ll know our scene is in safe hands. Mission accomplished

Nightraid can be ordered directly from Hi-Fi Spitfires here