Steel Train, Limbeck, Days Away – Live (Aug. 27th, 2005)

  • Alex Buddington posted
  • Reviews

Steel Train, Limbeck, Days Away

Live (Aug. 27th, 2005) - Ascot Room, Minneapolis MN

Before leaving to this show, I was filled with excitement. I had previously seen Days Away and Limbeck live in the past, and I already knew that they put on solid performances. I was however, going to watchSteel Train for my first time. Now I’ll be honest, I didn’t know much of this band before the show. I had listened to their 1969 EP(where the band covers 6 of their favorite songs from that year) and a few other songs here and there. To me, they always sounded average and nothing really caught my ear. By the end of this show, my mind had completely changed about them.

Days Away was out first. I am a big fan of this band and their live show is a big reason why. Days Away will present you with a very up close and personal, intimate show. Their music is smooth and melody-driven, and perfect for tiny venue shows such as this one. The band was playing to about 30 people total, due to the fact that Finch, RX Bandits, and A Static Lullaby were playing in the same venue, one floor below us. A few local kids decided to skip those bands and come watch a more laid-back, tiny show instead. Days Away proudly played to these kids, and played very well. Near the end of their set, they extended the ending of the song “You Were Right” for about 3 minutes and led it perfectly into their next song, “It Happens”, just as it goes on their actual album. This added bonus was perfect for their set. I urge you to give this band a listen if you’re looking for smooth pop-rock and catchy sing-alongs.

To my surprise, Limbeck came out second. I figured that Steel Train would have, but I thought wrong. This was not a problem for me, because I was eagerly awaiting Limbeck either way. Let me cut to the chase. Limbeck is fun. The Limbeck Band puts on a very fun show. If you like Limbeck, you will love their live show. That is all you need to know. This band knows how to bring energy and quality fun directly onto the stage. They opened with “Honk & Wave”, a crowd favorite. Other songs played were “Everyone’s In The Parking Lot”, “Sin City”, “In Ohio On Some Steps”, “People Don’t Change”, “Julia”, and more. This band makes alternative country/rock music worth listening to. I couldn’t help but to be reminded of classic southern rock bands such as Lynyrd Skynyrd while watching Limbeck. I’m sure that sounds weird to you, but as soon as you hear this band’s music, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. With Limbeck, you get your money’s worth!

After Limbeck left the stage, a majority of the kids disappeared to merch tables, bathrooms, or left the venue itself. Myself and about 15 other kids stood by the stage, waiting for Steel Train to come out. My legs and back were getting tired, but hey – that’s what happens at shows. A few more minutes passed, and Steel Train finally took the stage. I was a tad presumptive at first, but my thoughts were cast aside the second that they started playing. Their first song actually started with 2 drummers – one from Steel Train, the other from Days Away. The two drummers played two different beats which, in turn, sounded like one very quick beat. Quick guitar strumming and thumping bass was added, and a catchy fast-paced instrumental song was the result. This was a superb way to start out their set. I thoroughly enjoyed this band’s set, regardless of the fact that I didn’t know much of the songs. What I appreciated about this band was their musicianship. Steel Train contains some of the best musicians I have ever seen in a show like this. They play their guitars, bass, and drums like none other. This band has talent and when they are together, they make great music. I would describe it as Classic Rock sounding, with a pinch of Folk and a kick of present-day emo. That may be hard to comprehend, but it’s the best I can do. What I CAN tell you is, Steel Train is not your average Drive-Thru Records band. They play chords, they play solos, and they write songs about the Hippie Movement. The band is making real, true, talented music that is hard to find these days in this scene. Open your eyes(and ears) to a band that may not sound like every other band you listen to. You’ll find Steel Train, and you might find a new favorite band. No? Oh well. You still have their live show to adore. Trust me on that one.

If what I described to you about this show was interesting in any way at all, then get off your computer and go catch at least one of these bands live. You’ll have a blast!