Vinnie Caruana – Survivor’s Guilt

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Vinnie Caruana

Survivor's Guilt - Equal Vision Records

This is the debut solo album from Vinnie Caruana, former vocalist, songwriter and guitarist for The Movielife and I Am Avalanche. Whilst Survivor’s Guilt is penned solely by Vinnie he has brought along Steve Choi, of RX Bandits , and former bandmates Kellen Robson and Brett Romnes, who also produced the album, for company. So thankfully this isn’t just another acoustic album from the former frontman of a well loved band.

This sounds like an album made by someone who is exactly where they want to be, making the music they want to make. There are a number of tracks that wouldn’t be out of place on any of his former bands releases and these demonstrate that he hasn’t abandoned his punk roots, although you’d expect this on a solo album from someone who has a hefty punk pedigree behind him. What is pleasing, although not unsurprising on a solo release, is that these sit alongside more thoughtful numbers that display a more personal quality and on occasion have a melancholy character. However, the final track, Your Religion Is Killing Me, is definitely not what you’d expect to hear, this is an epic instrumental which brings to mind the likes of Deus and Pixies with it’s slow burning multi layered sonic attack, and for me this is probably the high point of the album.

Survivor’s Guilt is due for release on Equal Vision Records on May 27th, It comes across as a positive and personal album and one which remains true to it’s roots. There are highs and lows on this album, but overall this is an impressive solo debut which won’t disappoint fans of his previous work, but I feel it is also one that will introduce him to wider audience.