Vnitrní Faktor – Slzy Paní Poldi… Aneb Komercní Neúspech

  • Cole Faulkner posted
  • Reviews

Vnitrní Faktor

Slzy Paní Poldi... Aneb Komercní Neúspech - Papagájuv Hlasatel Records

Vnitřní Faktor has to be one of the more polarizing bands I’ve heard to come out of Czech.  They’re a punk and metal five-piece that seems to give little regard for choosing a stable sound, instead opting to fluctuate between uppity punk rock (Punk Floid) and razor edged metal (Funkce Šroubu).  Their latest release, Slzy Paní Poldi… Aneb Komerční Neúspěch, finds the band splitting their ten tracks down the middle, offering up five brand new songs alongside five re-worked efforts from their older material.

Clean without squeaking with excess, Vnitřní Faktor bestows every track with its own personal flare.  Vocalist Vojta shifts between spoken word styles and fervent aggression backed by his own continuity.  For instance, “Nadějné Vyhlídky” races onward, but Vojta keeps calm and collected as he engages in a conversational tone with guitarists B4rt and David.  Comparatively, he slams down for the duration of “Zvláštní Den” as the band toys with speed metal and hard-edged punk rock.  “Život Nazmar” stands as an early favourite when the daunting drag of dark female vocals parallel Vjota – like an angrier version of female fronted contemporaries Hodně Podně.  The female flourish continues taming the hostility in slight doses throughout, particularly heavy guitar trips like “Kroužek.”

As mentioned before, Vnitřní Faktor also bears a sunnier side that borders on pop-punk.  Both “Poldovácká” and “Blanka” feature full blown choruses in which the outwardly tough quintet pipes up for a jovial “na na na” chorus line bouncing to a melody that you’d expect from Warning-era Green Day.  As someone who can’t understand a lick of Czech, such well executed highs and lows make interesting notables that occupied my attention in the absence lyrics.

Vnitřní Faktor crams many elements into each of Slzy Paní Poldi… Aneb Komerční Neúspěch’s ten tracks.  The label description of the release claims the album to be more or less business as usual for the long running act, but as someone without prior exposure, I would describe the disc as a varied introduction to a dynamic dose of overseas punk-metal.  A solid starting place for those with or without experience in the Czech punk-metal scene.