The Dollyrots Reveal “Hot Mom With The Skinny Pants On” Video & Commence US Tour Dates

  • Phinky posted
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Hot on the heels of their recently released new album Night Owls, The Dollyrots are kicking off November tour dates and have released a lyric video for the song Hot Mom with the Skinny Pants On. You can view The Dollyrots US tour dates and purchase tickets here

“Hot Mom with the Skinny Pants On” is a song about trying to find friendship as you get older. Sometimes you spot someone in the wild and think oh, maybe I found one of my people. Skinny pants are not in style according to the internet but when I spot people wearing them, I know there is potential. We probably like the same music, shop at the same places, used to go to the mall as kids. It’s an ode to all my mom friends who help me be a better mom,” (singer & bass player Kelly Ogden).