Anadivine – Self-Titled

  • Bobby Gorman posted
  • Reviews


Self-Titled - SideCho Records

Four members, Sean, Mike, Bill and Justin, were all united by one common love. The love of music, and the passion for making it. What other choice did they have other then to form a band? Thus, Anadivinewas born in the small town on Kingston, N.Y. two years ago. SideCho Records have the privilege to release this bands debut EP, featuring 8 tracks of their musical talents, upon the world.

Anadivine is a band which is very vocally driven with immensely powerful lyrics. With everyone but Justin supplying their vocal talent to the mix; you get a nice variation in sound. As I said before, the lyrics are incredibly powerful. The band isn’t afraid to share their thoughts about serious issues and everyday matters. Just take a look at the booklet and read the lyrics for the sixth track, Emily, you’ll get a chill down your spine.

Of course, the band isn’t fully vocals. They even have 2 musical tracks in the 8 song CD. In regards to the radio capture and… along with …the refusal to negotiate with… are songs with no vocals. This shows a slightly different side to the band as they are slower and softer then most of the instrumental portions in the other tracks. In retrospect, these two tracks don’t do that much to the album and could easily be taken out; but are still nice to hear sometimes.

Overall, Anadivine have done well on their debut EP. It gives you a good idea as to what to expect from this band in the future.