EP Review: Catholic Guilt – This Is What Honesty Sounds Like

  • Mark Cartwright posted
  • Reviews

Catholic Guilt

This Is What Honesty Sounds Like - Wiretap Records

Melbourne Aussie Folk/Punk/Alternative five piece Catholic Guilt are exactly as the latest EP title suggests, honest in their sound and upfront with what they play.  Ticking boxes all over the place when it comes to musical style and lyrical thoughts, they definitely are not tied to any particular genre and seem to feed on everything that is good in the non generic world of music.  Within this EP you find yourself picking out so many moments that remind you of other bands/artists like Frank Turner, Pompeii, Against Me and The Menzingers but within this you never once feel that your being fed on nostalgia.

‘Boutique Affair’ opens the EP with its hugely melodic uplifting Rock n Roll, you are immediately aware that this is a band that will not leave you feeling flat, even when the subject matter cover such things as the feeling of isolation and social distance, they seems to be able to add an emotional uplift to it.  

‘Song Of The Renter’ which was released in it’s own right back in June after signing to Wiretap Records, which in it self was a huge move in an upward direction.  Dropping passion in spades into a massive sing a long anthem is not new, but what seems to set them apart, is the clarity of sound and the smoothing off of the edges that might frighten off the less hardy music fans, but without losing its punch.

Slowing things down a little ‘Life In Three Part Harmony’ brings out just how easily Catholic Guilt blend and stitch moments in music together, grabbing you with pounding drums, jangling guitar all tied together with raw emotional vocals, from this you are then reminded perfectly that this is a band that will not shy away from the “honesty” that headlines the EP and possibly brought about the band name itself, ‘The Awful Truth’ hits out in a totally unforgiving and brutal way, at the misuse of trust and power, to abuse.  A frank and truthful song that will be added to my collection of ‘songs that need to be shouted about’.

Ending, a possibly too short EP (your left wondering when the next instalment will be), ‘Nothing’ Draws a close with nothing less than an emotional pouring out, in a powerful but considered way that leaves you with a sense of being.


Out on August 28th, you can get your hands on the EP via Wiretap Records

Join the Band on their Facebook HERE

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