The Rumperts – New Age Jesus

  • Mark Cartwright posted
  • Reviews

The Rumperts

New Age Jesus - SBÄM Records

This is the second album in a row that has that has caressed my ears within the last week with the DNA of Black Flag, Descendants and many more maestro Bill Stevenson all over it, and it has in both cases been a pleasure, if for very different reasons.

The Rumperts are most definitely not a band you can allow to be played at full blast directly from the off (ears drums are shot, but even I would be silly to brave this), but by the time you get to song 3 or 4, the volume undoubtably got close to full.  New Age Jesus is I believe this Australian (sorry read that wrong, wow big error averted) Austrian four piece’s second full length, it comes out just a year after the first and after only a drop in listen to the first, is about to drive this band hopefully to a wider and bigger audience.  How could/would we describe their music then, well for myself (and its always very personal how you listen to music and reluctantly pigeon hole bands, but this does help when deciding whether or not it might be your thing) I’d say hardcore with a tinge of aggressive melodic punk, there could be lots of comparisons to make with other band for you to get a grasp on what they do, but that would probably take in the wrong direction, I’d say they are still actually finding their own style album by album.  

This shows up here and there within the ten tracks we get on this great album, we kick straight into for example ‘Nazissist’ they channel their inner Black Flag with a full on assault on the fascist narcissists of our generation, a tune that slams with so much energy, you find yourself pointing into empty room with all the anger you would normally show at the bastard if they stood right in front of you. Then you are treated to a similar sound, a blend of hardcore that chops and changes wonderfully with drop in melodies that encompass the riotous chorus.

What your so aware of with this album, is the need to find the bands own direction, but this for myself made for a totally unique listening experience, you could jump from the likes of ‘Cheeseburger’ which sets of on an almost Teenage Kicks riff and takes serious gives and gives it a fun sound, then we drop into ‘I Plead Insanity’ which opens with a killer drum beat that drives a musical darkness of a song, that smells of Dead Objectives angst, a Rock n Roll monster of tune.

Then before you know it, your nearing the last two and so different tracks in track ‘New Age Jesus’ which deservedly was released as a stand alone, its a perfect take on modern society, where social standing and the need for admiration from others that drives the whole culture of youth at the moment is nothing but all consuming. Then finally we get a little sweetie treat, a punked up cover of Bowie’s ‘Sufragette City’ that gives you a hint of what you’ll find when looking deeper into what this band is trying to do within the album as a whole, eclectic punk rock that has an art all of its own.

Misifts, Black Flag, Bowie, Descendants, you’ll find them all somewhere in this album, bt most of all you will be left knowing that The Rumperts are ultimately doing things their own angry way!  Like a Viennese Swirl, a crusty outside but with a sweet yummy inside 🙂

Released on April 28th Via SBÄM Records

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