Authority Zero Release New Album ‘Ollie Ollie Oxen Free’

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Fresh off the release of their latest EP, The Back Nine, long-running Mesa, AZ-based melodic punk rock reggae outfit Authority Zero have released their eigth studio full length, Ollie Ollie Oxen Free. The thirteen track album was recorded by legendary producer Cameron Webb and features guest appearances from Pennywise‘s Jim Lindberg and Lagri Shuhei from Hey-Smith.

Authority Zero has never been called “negative.” Even during a pandemic, they kept their collective chin up, put their heads down and wrote what could be called their career album. Ollie Ollie Oxen Free takes a line from hide and seek to encourage fans to leave the COVID-19 depression behind and celebrate life. During the pandemic, singer Jason DeVore saw families torn apart by political views and COVID-19. Now that the divide has somewhat subsided, it’s time to come out and be yourself again.

“The phrasing in the title track stems from the idea of ‘come out, come out, wherever you are. It keeps the positive side of 2020 in mind. People have been trapped within themselves, depressed, inside of their houses. We’re separated, politically, between the left and right. It’s a matter of come out, feel free and feel a sense of no fear in some regard.” (Jason DeVore)

You can stream and purchase The Back Nine EP here and Ollie Ollie Oxen Free here