FLEAS Unleash New Single “BLEED”

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Suffolk, UK FLEAS have returned with their intense and explosive new single, BLEED, that is taken from the upcoming debut album, Imagine If There Was More. The track opens with a boxy, filtered riff that gradually builds, the urgent and angsty lead vocal enters and beckons in the explosive main riff. Pounding drums heavily overdriven guitars brings tightly locked rhythms as the metal inspired riffs pull the track forward with a punk energy. The dark, intense feel of the music is echoed by the barked, visceral lead vocals which move between spoken word and screamo which brings a strikingly anthemic chorus and repeatable lyricism.


“BLEED was actually the first track that we wrote for the album. Pedro and Jason wrote it in Pedro’s bedroom in the summer of 2023. The song was such a departure from our previous sound that it basically inspired the rest of the album. BLEED is definitely one of our favourites. The album ranges in topics, from mental health, to today’s social climate, and experiences with love and protecting those closest to us. It was recorded in a very DIY set up, mostly in bedrooms and rehearsal spaces, captured by the wildly talented Alec Jarman; he was instrumental in bringing our vision to life.”