Jodie Langford Delivers Outspoken New Single “Foefetti”

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Outspoken, thought-provoking northern wordsmith Jodie Langford is back with her new single, Foefetti. The track is a tongue in cheek true-life story that draws upon feelings of betrayal, anger and grief around a friendship that was once impenetrable. Foefetti is a bratty take on the Happy Birthday song. You know a true friend from a foe when you discover the only person you invite to your birthday party doesn’t turn up, lies about their whereabouts and declines your phone calls! If society doesn’t let you down, then quite possibly your mates will instead!

“it’s focused on simple lyricism with an up-beat and slightly aggressive vibe. It’s different to other tracks I’ve written that contain more long-winded wordplay. This is a new way of experimenting with my storytelling and adding elements of other genres into my music. I strongly believe this track will ease us both into exploring new musical paths which will give listeners a taste of something different and add more life to our live performance. Also, check out the video where you see me upset and angry that no-one’s turned up, so I destroy the cakes”. (Jodie Langford)