Tetchy Drop New Single “Voices”

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Brooklyn, NYC grunge-punks Tetchy have released their new single, Voices, that is the second single from their upcoming EP, All In My Head, that is due out in January 2024 via Trash Casual Records. Voices explores more of Tetchy gripping and dynamic sonic range, with lead singer Maggie Denning‘s soaring vocals at the forefront of instrumental performances from Jesse French (Drums), Chris Krasnow (Guitar) and Dylan LaPointe (Bass). Tetchy are masters of melding musical genres together including punk rock sensibilities, indie rock melodies and grungy instrumentals, creating a sound as unique as the musicians who wrote it. 

“This song is about feeling like you’re losing your mind. Or at least like you’re losing the old, comfy version of your mind from before that really really bad thing happened. It’s about no longer feeling at home within yourself, and waiting for the chaos of your new reality to just wash you away.” (Maggie Denning)