The Dreaded Laramie Unveil “Princess Feedback” Album

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The Dreaded Laramie revel in claiming their own space in one of the last true bastions of straight white guy machismo, cock rock. Taking, from this, their unabashed love of shredding guitar licks and audacious delivery, The Dreaded Laramie meld it with sunny pop melodies and radical vulnerability, the end result is a sound they term “femmecore”. This approach allows them to deliver something unique on their new album, Princess Feedback; a breakup album like no other. Princess Feedback subverts the traditional melancholy of heartache with strident hooks and repurposed machismo, all juxtaposed against MC Cunnigham‘s striking emotional vulnerability. Cunningham has always harbored a natural reticence to fully put her feelings on the line, and up for public scrutiny. That changes with Princess Feedback. Her songs unveil their truth in the clearest possible terms.

That Princess Feedback heralds a confident shift in attitude is, in no small part, an outcome of the group’s partnership with producer Dave Schiffman. Complex relationships and strained interactions loom large throughout Princess Feedback and, in Schiffman’s hands, The Dreaded Laramie push their sound into new territory that makes space for these emotions. Perhaps it’s the result of the previously scattered members all now coalescing in Nashville, TN or maybe it’s the months spent on the road over the last year, either way, the band have never sounded as boldly realized as they do on Princess Feedback.

The Dreaded Laramie

The Dreaded Laramie are taking Princess Feedback to the American masses this Summer on July dates with Pinksqueeze, and August dates with Teens In Trouble and Bat Boy. The band also recently announced that they are joining the lineup at this year’s FEST. You can view The Dreaded Laramie‘s full tour dates and purchase tickets here.