The Duel Team Up With Ruts DC’s Segs Jennings To “Rule The World”

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The Duel has been the main vehicle for the melodies and lyrics that fall out of the woman that is Tara Rez and, as the band name suggests, was born out of a struggle between two major forces to reach a common flashpoint: musical perfection, a twisted corporation. That other force was Andy Thierum and the initial explosion was in 1998…it’s now 2024. But Andy was ill, and it wasn’t until nine albums later that he was diagnosed with MS, explaining a lot of general misbehaviour. Colliding together for one final album with the fitting title of Waging War in 2016, the cataclysmic cycle was eating itself, heading towards a brilliant, if totally underrated climax. So, what then? That species was extinct, what now? A female warrior fighting for air in what is still a man’s world. 

The Duel

Unable to use the name The Duel in a favourable light, Tara continued as TaRa Rez, self-releasing (always self-releasing) the Black Snake Prophecy EP in 2020. Following a natural and cosmically destined path that began with Waging War, collaborating with Segs Jennings (The Ruts / Ruts DC) as the reluctant record producer. “Any writing collaboration Is really a Duel,” says Tara and Segs unanimously. “If it isn’t worth fighting for, it shouldn’t be on the record“. So yes, it’s 2024 and the release of Rule The World that was penned by Ms Rez and Mr Segs together in a spacecraft somewhere in another galaxy, this rocks. Given the power, would they pass a law against pain? Somebody has to do something! Listen, do it, feel it, sing it. It’s mean and they mean it.

The Duel UK Tour Dates

February 18th – London, Signature Brew (Rooz Day Out)            

March 16th – Bristol, The Exchange (Raw Power Fest)

March 22nd – London, Hope & Anchor (Rockaway Beach)

April 24th – London, Raincall Bar (Rock & Roll Cabaret)

August 1st – 4th – Blackpool, Winter Gardens (Rebellion Festival)

August 9th – Leicester, Victoria Arms (For Punks Sake