• Mark Cartwright posted
  • Reviews


WHERE AM I? - Self Released

If you’ve not heard of BE N!CE then don’t panic, that’s probably because this is the bands debut EP.  Although they have only released a few singles and shared the stage with some pretty awesome bands over the last year or so, this is a band that I’m pretty fucking sure you’re gonna want to sit up and take notice of, now and into the future. 


Punk Rock was born out of boredom, anger, a need to be different, and the best thing, young people wanting to show what they could do all by themselves without any need for puppeteers hanging around.  BE N!CE are storming into this world with their heads fully bolted on, they’ve taken the punk ethos with all of its “be yourself” ideals, and taken that literally, this is music that fucks off in whatever direction it wants to. I’ll start by saying what I might normally say at the end, this is only an EP, its six songs, and your gonna get to last one and scream FUCK!!!!!, More!! fucking!! more!! I want MORE!. I had to get that out of the way and not dwell on it too much, but this is an EP full of everything that’s great about our wonderful world of punk/metal/rock/funk with a slab of self fun.

‘Get A Job’ hits the ears like a volcanic eruption of words and music that drops hot and molten all over the good old U.S of A’s crazy life at the moment, although this could go for so many others communities of the world.  This is a musical grenade up the arse of those who think protest songs need to be chugging riffs, it’s of its own with no comparisons in my opinion. ‘Bedtime’ funks its way in next, the joy that oozes from the bass is palpable, add a “leave me the fuck alone” attitude in the songs core, and you’ve got yourself a piece of heaven wrapped up in less than three minutes. 


As you hop from song to song, its so hard to pick your favourite, with every song that changes, ‘One Bad Apple’ is the nearest you’ll come to feeling the edges of a straight up punk song, but even this just fucking soars onto its only majestic plane, my favourite so far. Then there’s the catchiest of the bunch, ‘BLOW (Paranoia, Baby)’, that slides in and takes that mantle, this song takes a madness of thought and gives it some weird kind of cool, ‘Witch Hunt’ is up next, wait, this is my fav now, you get the picture……..

And without a chance to even draw breath, go make a cuppa, pour a beer, or even stroke the cat, your then transfixed by ‘Cambridge’. A song that you need to listen to and not have me spoil by writing something ridiculously piss poor words about it, yep I’ll say it again, my favourite of the bunch by a mile, until I go back to the beginning and start all over again. I’ll use this line again, because it so true and so perfect for this EP.  This is music that fucks off in whatever direction It wants to, and its so fucking great for it!!!!

Out now! Drop into the bands Facebook all other links here