Copenhagen’s Brain Soup Release “Cheese EP”
Copenhagen's Brain Soup have released the Cheese EP through streaming platforms and as a name your price download via Bandcamp,…
Fear Of Romance - Kidnap Music / Cargo Records
10 years is how long this high octane punk rock band from Germany have been driving forward, a non stop machine that loses cogs (band members) every so often, only to be replaced by new fresh ones, and then just carries on pounding its beats as fast as ever.
20 releases and 550 gigs on, and here comes another piece of burning vinyl, in the form of ‘Fear Of Romance’, a twelve track incendiary device. This band know just how to take Hardcfore and slide some riffs into just the right pockets of space to make something heavy that almost tilts into metal, like the track ‘This Means War’ with its grinding guitars that could easily be at home on a Rammstein album, but feels happier backing up this punk mayhem. But then they drop a song like ‘Smart Jokes’, with a bass line that rocks and is dripping in melody, a Bad Religion esque sound going on here.
After listening through this album several times, I’m still torn though, is it great, or is it not?, yes at times is the answer I came up with eventually, it has everything you want from a pure punk band, but somehow that’s the issue. Songs like ‘Big Fish’, ‘Burn Piggy Burn’, and the opening track ‘Always Keep Giving Up’ just sound so familiar, yes they have the angst, and they’re fucking great, but nothing new or ground breaking, mosh pit fodder I like to call it. But then you get songs like the title track ‘Fear Of Romance’ which sticks some nifty riffs and brilliant off kilter beats in there, ‘Trainwreck’ that airs on the side of pop punk at moments, a chorus that stays with you and a vocal that sits head and shoulders above anything else on the album, then there’s ‘I’m Not Alright’ that almost heads off into a psychobilly direction, pure heaven of a song!. o as you can see, its a dilemma of an album, that from my own personal point of view has six or so totally fucking smash the wall down tracks, and another six or so powerhouse songs that stand up, but don’t blow the roof off. Not sure of this really helps you, but its just an honest opinion from of what my ears hear, but aren’t we all just so different, and long may that stay that way.
Its punk rock, its ear worms, its smash the walls down, and its go get ya self a copy……
Out now via Kidnap Music and Cargo Records
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