EP Review: Cousin Betty – Left

  • Mark Cartwright posted
  • Reviews

Cousin Betty

Left - Golden Robot Records

Left’ the EP, a debut EP from a band that isn’t a band, or is it? That seems to be the way with Cousin Betty, a fluid workshop or project could be the real story behind Damien Stofka’s love child.  A collection of riffs that make up the back bone of every song have been now related into a release that does feel a little more like a step into the cohesive band arena, but let’s wait and see on this one.

Is this just a dipping of the toe into the world of more standard releases or just a one off?  Who knows.

What is very clear is that ‘Left’ isn’t just your ordinary EP, it still does feel like a collection of songs rather than having a structure, which is refreshing in its own way, ‘ Tape Hiss’ sets off in the only way it could, a rock riff leads into a homage to a time back in the eighties when bands were taking up on the synth and when we used our tape decks to records those wonderful compilations tapes that sit somewhere in a cupboard, but the line “it reminds us that nothing really has happened since” has merit in a a modern world of chart boredom.  Drone’ hits the ears next, a much more pure rock sound, slabs of power chords, singing guitars with a heavy drum/bass laden back drop.

The only recent similarity that I could throw at Cousin Betty (Damien) is Gizz Butt of Janus Stark/English Dogs and many more fame, a lover of the riff and the way that you can make melody so simply from it, but then ‘Lazy Bones’ shows up and proves the point perfectly, unless this untrained ear is wrong, its laid out perfectly here, no lyric just a collaboration of sounds.

The last two offerings on the EP give credence to my earlier comment that this is more a collection of ideas than an actual attempt to make something with a theme, ‘Loan Sharks Of Love’ drops a heavy bass riff which leads into an strange off kilter beat that is wonderfully refreshing to hear.  It’s hard to keep a thread going for this EP, except for the rock guitar riff that twist and weave their magic throughout, ‘AWOL’ the last of said tracks is so full of this in its 2mins length that your head is left spinning.

Bring out the power speakers here and throw the volume to full!   Loud is still the best way and this EP proves it.


Check Out Golden Robot Records to get your hands on this EP

Find Cousin Betty on FACEBOOK HERE