Get The Fuck Outta Dodge – Its Not Our Fault Your Boyfriend’s Stupid

  • Mark Cartwright posted
  • Reviews

Get The Fuck Outta Dodge

Its Not Our Fault Your Boyfriend's Stupid - Doitthissensecords

Here we are again standing on the edge of a cliff, about to jump off, or at least that’s what it always feels like when you get to listen to bands that do things 100% their own way, and thankfully there are more of them around than you might imagine. Get The Fuck Outta Dodge are very near the top of the list of bands that will push you off said cliff and scream “enjoy the ride” at you all the way down.

The last time I personally crossed paths with this altogether DIY do what the hell we want band, was when they attempted or more to the point succeeded in reinventing some classic/modern artists music on the album ‘These Songs Still Aren’t Ours’ which true to form was released on an ultra rare cassette tape with a self made Lino cover, this latest release will be available on vinyl that comes in a tote bag (as they say “whats an album cover?). 

INOFYBS is how we will refer to this album (lazy typing name), the follow up own material album to the knife to the heart of normality that was ‘Buzz Kill’, this ten track is no less eventful than previous GTFOD material, in fact it’s even further along the road of being pure noise brilliance.

Not to disappoint this album has still got all the distorted twisted bass you could ever want, track two ‘Holy Moses’ is as pure GTFOD sounding (if there is such a thing) as you are likely to get, they always remind me of a band that lyrically want to be a little aloof, or is that intellectual? never quite sure if that’s my total lack of education or it’s just cryptic nonsense, either way they do remind me of Litterbug in the way they construct a song.

I could go on forever throwing out ideas on what is going on in the heads of these guys, with songs like ‘Vampires Are Closer To Me Than You’, ’Quick Get To The Yacht’ or ‘Delta city Cowards’, but why bother, just listen enjoy and just maybe something might pop into your head that makes sense of it all.  Musically your not given anything less than, bass lines that go from being mildly melodic like in ‘Dial M for Control’ to simply feeling like you listening to  morse code ‘Delta City Cowards’, then there his that drum maniac bashing the hell out of everything in sight by the sound of it, whether its like in ‘You Get Your Hindsight’ thumping like a Duracell bunny or ‘Holy Moses’ with its choppy off kilter feel that drives a song along, either way its controlled chaos (or is it).

Never go listen to a GTFOD album/song without leaving your sanity at the door first.  Blindly going where no band has gone before, with an anger and energy that leads the way.

Out now via Doitthissenrecords 

Collect all your info on GTFOD on FACEBOOK, TWITTER of TUMBLR