Underoath – They’re Only Chasing Safety

  • Bobby Gorman posted
  • Reviews


They're Only Chasing Safety - Solid State Records

Solid State Records is well known for their “harder” types of music, mostly hard-core or metal. They recently released a surprisingly good sophomore album by Dead Poetic, now the are set to release They’re Only Chasing Safety, the sophomore album from Underoath. And like Dead Poetic, this sophomore defeats the so called “sophomore slump”.

One of the best things about this album is the vocals. Merging both singing and screaming together, they alternate perfectly making the vocals pattern unpredictable and enjoyable. They can go from soft, slow, steady singing to harsh, loud, screams in a heartbeat. At times, you are reminded of a harder Taking Back Sunday with dueling vocals layered perfectly over one another. The band’s new vocalist, Spend Chamberlain, has definitely added a little extra to the band’s sound, making it that much more enjoyable. Proving once again that they aren’t afraid to experiment, they use a type of hollow chorus in It’s Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door as they sing “drowning in my sleep/ I’m drowning in my sleep“. Underoath‘s melodies aren’t anything incredibly spectacular, but fit the music perfectly. They, like the vocals, can go from slow and soft to hard and fast in a instant, but without ruining the song or becoming overbearing. The two guitarist intertwine making great riffs with the help of some slight distortion. They use a keyboard every once in a while to add a but more depth to it.

The worst part of the entire CD has got to be the middle track, The Blue Note, which is just a instrumental. It is boring and too plain, really just a filler. Although this album may lack some diversity and originality, it is still fun to listen to. It will keep you occupied for 30 minutes, and it doesn’t get annoying if you listen to it over and over again. Solid State has another good sophomore release here.