Manchester Punk Festival Announces Third Wave Of Bands

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Manchester Punk Festival has just dropped their 3rd round of band announcements, just announced are Oklahoma punk rockers Red City Radio, Dutch reggae party outfit Jaya The Cat along with the Popes Of Chillitown, CrutchesSignals Midwest, Drones, Cultdreams, Lyoness and Brassick. The event is now in it’s 6th year and has already established itself as one of the go-to punk events in the UK. With Brexit looming large and a recent disastrous election, hanging out with some like minded people and enjoying some quality music might be the best coping mechanism. The Manchester Punk Festival is a multi stage event complete with comedy, poetry, acoustic, vegan food and welcoming community atmosphere that takes place across eight city centre venues between 24th and 26th April 2020.

You can purchase tickets and view the full line up for the Manchester Punk Festival here