More Bands Announced For THE FEST 14

  • Cole Faulkner posted
  • News

FEST 14The next round of bands for this year’s iteration of ever popular punk rock experience THE FEST has been announced, bringing the current total of participants up to 331 confirmed bands.  The latest additions include Title Fight, Modern Life Is War, As Friends Rust, Big Wig, Into It. Over It., Smoke or Fire, Pianos Become the Teeth, Loma Prieta, Riverboat Gamblers, Masked Intruder, Lee Corey Oswald and more.

Previously confirmed artists include Lagwagon, Desaparecidos, The Menzingers, Mustard Plug, Tim Barry, Off With Their Heads, Teenage Bottlerocket, mewithoutYou, Modern Baseball, The Hotelier, Chumped, The Sidekicks, Elway, and Defiance, Ohio to name a few.