The Oxys Take On Journey’s “Open Arms” For “Punk Rock Valentines” Compilation

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Austin, TX’s The Oxys have released their interpretation of Journey‘s love ballad Open Arms. The track will appear on the Punk Rock Valentines compilation that will be released via Cleopatra Records on CD and red marble vinyl on the 7th February. The album also features the likes of The DamnedIggy PopThe VibratorsUK SubsDead Boys, Tsunami Bomb, The Vandals, Blink-182, The Dickies and more who deliver 30 blistering anti-love songs.

The Oxys

“It was very generous of Cleopatra to extend an invitation including us to this compilation. Lots of great bands and artists we look up to are represented. It’s quite an honor to be among them. At any rate, the list of songs we got to choose from was hideous. It felt like a cruel joke to be perfectly honest. I spent two days reviewing all the possibilities. There was only one song that I felt I could make sound like a song by The Oxys. If someone would have suggested I’d be covering a Journey song ten years ago, I would have slapped them, but here we are!! We immediately went into the rehearsal space, worked the cover up, and banged it out in the studio. It took us longer to pick a song than it did to work it up, record it, and mix it.” (guitarist Jason “Ginchy” Kottwitz)

The Oxys

The Oxys have also announced the An Ill-Advised Getaway US tour that takes in Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Indianapolis and Little Rock.