MXPX – Plans Within Plans

  • Dustin Blumhagen posted
  • Reviews


Plans Within Plans - Rock City Recording Company

MxPx released their catchy debut Pokinatcha way back in 1994. The guys have become an unofficial studio band these days, with drummer Yuri Ruley and guitarist Tom Wisniewski taking a break from touring, but despite their apparent lack of love for the rigors of the road the band have not lost their youthful energy. In fact, Plans Within Plans is MxPx’s most spirited album since 1998’s Slowly Going the Way of the Buffalo.

The album begins strong with the optimistic “Aces Up,” and continues for a dozen more tracks of classic MxPx. Unlike their brief misstep as they chased the mainstream in the early 2000s, the trio sticks to the formula that long time fans expect, short and simple punk songs with catchy choruses. Throughout the album the lyrics reflect a positive outlook while stepping away from the blatantly Christian lyrics occasionally weighed down some of their past material. The guests that appear this time around are telling of what listeners can expect. Hoping to overcome their ultra poppy Before Everything and After (with a telling cameo from Good Charlotte’s Benji Madden) the guys enlist The Swellers and Stephen Egerton (Descendents/ALL), both of whom have punk credibility and subtly add their talents here.

Fans of 90s skate punk who have outgrown Ben Weasel’s arrogance, Fat Mike’s immature potty humor and incessant drug abuse and are terrified of the metalcore and emo kids that populate Warped Tour these days can rejoice, MxPx have released an album that combines style with actual substance. Again.