Smoking Gives You Big Tits – Guts For Starters

  • Mark Cartwright posted
  • Reviews

Smoking Gives You Big Tits

Guts For Starters - Self Released

Bikini Kill eat your heart out, yes I said it, because Smoking Gives You Big Tits are knocking out music now and you’re not, but to be fair, the legacy is still alive and kicking, and for that I give a huge thank you!

DIY started many many years ago and yes there may be arguments as to who, what, where, when, but who actually cares about all that, as long as its still going on, and the big bucks don’t own everything, then I’m happy (although from experience, nothing fully 100% DIY will ever stand the tests of time and life). So here’s to bands like Smoking Gives You Big Tits and all the others who get on the ladder on merit and not via the back door.  So anyway, I’ll kick off at the beginning and track one, yeah “what the fuck” was my initial reaction, ‘He’s Not Toadfish From Neighbours’ (never watched it by the way), so no idea, the drummer’s alter ego apparently.

After listening through this debut album, you will be fully aware of the non conformity that goes on in here to the point of actually making it something you feel totally at home with, like the title track that is apparently a song is about being totally yourself no matter how odd, my motto in a song then, and just to add to this ethos, the music/vocal is kinda out there on its own too, metal/riot girrrl and lots in-between, in fact that’s exactly what your gonna get throughout this slab of square peg in a round hole musical greatness.  

Being a bit of an older grown up punk, I would without a doubt say that if the great John Peel were still around and driving the radio moguls to distraction, this would be band you would no doubt be hearing a lot more of on the airwaves, with songs like ‘Porky Pies’ that has its very own genre core, a blend of it’s my music and I’ll make it how I want, and actually nothing else really, its a kick in the teeth song for the power mongers and the lies they tell, then the other politically motived song ‘My Favourite Fact About Maggie’ which gives us all hope, put simply “nothing last for ever”, and of course one of the best lines in a song ever, “My favourite fact about Maggie, is that she’s fucking dead!” Hard to beat huh?  But Smoking Gives You Big Tits are most definitely not just a political mouth piece, no they just say things that matter to them and most of us too, this is so so evident in ‘Beer Fear’ which does nothing else but say exactly what the majority of us go through pretty much every time we go to a gig or just out with friends, yep the age old “I’m just out for one or maybe two” of course this never happens does it, oh and there’s a cowbell in it, pretty cool huh.

So anyway, now comes the bit where I give you my favourite track on the album, and this is for two reasons, firstly it remains me of a story a friend told me, of how at gig some guy was pushing and hassling them around as the music played, the upshot was, she broke his nose and he was evicted, secondly its just a fucking great song that covers the “having a dick, doesn’t mean acting like one”  saying and is how it should all go down, ‘Short As Fuck’ is without doubt a pure mosh song that deserves respect.

How long will this band stay fully DIY, not for long I would imagine (and not always in a bad way), they fully deserve to be heard by more and more music lovers, and something I would hope too. After all that bullshit rambling from myself, what I actually hope, is that you pick up the music from whichever platform or physical format you like to use, and get what it’s all about fully.  

PS. Bikini Kill, of course I’d be happy for you make more music!!!

Out via themselves on July 28th

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